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GEO Coffee and Tours


A cup of coffee can change a life.
Join us in building a child’s dream. With every sip of our exquisite coffee, you become a part of a greater cause – lifting children out of poverty through education. Explore our range of coffees, learn about our tours, and see how your contribution makes a difference. Together, we can brew a better future!

Embark on a journey of taste and purpose with GEO Coffee and Tours. We offer a variety of 100% arabica coffees, nurtured in the volcanic-rich soils of Guatemala’s high-elevation climate, that deliver an unparalleled flavor experience. We also offer tours to beautiful Guatemala. But our mission goes beyond coffee and tourism. As part of Guatemalan Educational Outreach, Inc. (GEO), a 501(c)(3) corporation, we are dedicated to transforming lives. All profits from coffee sales, tours, and direct donations support GEO in its mission to educate children in rural Joya Honda, Guatemala, through The Little Mountain School.

Vignette of The Little Mountain Classic and Premium coffees

GEO Coffee

Our 100% arabica coffees are grown in volcanic-rich soil in the high-elevation climate of Guatemala.

Offered in ground or whole bean.


Guatemalan Tours

Visit beautiful Guatemala for a personal look at The Little Mountain School.

GEO Little Mountain School

The Little Mountain School

Educating the children of Joya Honda, Guatemala, through The Little Mountain School is really what we are all about.

GEO, Inc.

Guatemalan Educational Outreach, Inc. (GEO) is a 501(c)(3) corporation. GEO supports efforts to provide education in rural Joya Honda, Guatemala at The Little Mountain School.

Your tax deductible financial gift will help to lift children out of poverty by making a quality education possible.